Digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs



Digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs | Tools für digitales Unternehmertum und Unterstützung für Unternehmerinnen | Инструменти за цифрово предприемачество и подкрепа за жени предприемачи | Alati za digitalno poduzetništvo i podrška poduzetnicama | Ψηφιακά εργαλεία επιχειρηματικότητας και υποστήριξη για γυναίκες επιχειρηματίες | Strumenti di imprenditorialità digitale e sostegno alle donne imprenditrici | Digitālās uzņēmējdarbības rīki un atbalsts sievietēm uzņēmējām | Інструменти цифрового підприємництва та підтримка жінок-підприємців

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Intellectual Outputs
Train-the-trainer week
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union





Project's Objective

The overall objective is to develop a training program that will train experts in order to offer trainings and mentorship sessions that are tailored to the needs of the female entrepreneurs digitalizing their business and help them overcome the obstacles they face in the digitalization.


Target Groups

350 women entrepreneurs of SMEs and/or unemployed women starting a business (50 per partner country). 210 of these women face difficult circumstances because they have no income or an income under the poverty threshold of the country.

70 trainers (10 per partner country) who are experts in digital tools but need additional skills in helping women entrepreneurs. The experts in business digitalization will be trainers from universities, institutes of HE programs for start-ups, unemployment offices focused on education, the Digital Innovation Hub Network (


Expected Results   

  • The first result is having a detailed curriculum to train experts. This curriculum will have to take into account:

    • the needs of the women entrepreneurs with extra focus on the needs of women entrepreneurs in difficult circumstances in the different countries.

    • the priorities of the women entrepreneurs

    • a focus on sustainable development

    • a focus on societal inclusiveness

    • that the digital skills help to improve other skills that are often listed as being lacked by women entrepreneurs (strategic orientation, networking, look for entrepreneurial opportunities etc.)

    • that the digital tools can be used to help the internationalization of the women entrepreneurs' businesses

    • assist in a better work-life balance

    • the overall objective of helping the women entrepreneurs increase their income while saving time and money.  

  • The next result is having trained experts who will help women entrepreneurs with digital challenges in their business. This help should after months lead to an increase in the women's entrepreneurs business income and lower the time and cost they need to spend on certain business tasks.

  • The final result is having the project duplicated and scaled up in other countries based on the guidelines of transfer-ability. A report will state recommendations to supporting organizations and policy makers how they can reach this goal. The project partners will submit these results to their country specific organizations and will keep in touch with them in case extra help or advice is needed. In the long run the methodology and results can also be used to reach other target groups like young entrepreneurs, start ups, and male entrepreneurs as well as employed women and men.



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Last change: 12/29/22.