Digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs

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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union





Intellectual Output 3 - Curriculum Prototype

CURRICULUM Prototype is developed for the training purposes of digitalization experts who should gain additional knowledge and skills to be able to help women entrepreneurs in difficulties to create income and become self sustainable.

CURRICULUM Prototype is prepared based on the research conducted in Bulgaria, Latvia, Ukraine, Italy, Greece, Austria and Croatia by the partner organizations in the DIGI-WOMEN project, funded by the EU Erasmus+ Programme.

The purpose of the research was to get deeper insight in the needs of the women entrepreneurs, particularly those in difficult circumstances. The goal was to link the digital tools knowledge of the experts with other business skills that women entrepreneurs are lacking, ignoring or approaching differently than men entrepreneurs like networking, strategy development, entrepreneurial opportunity seeking, etc. This makes the Curriculum an effective tool in reaching the overall objective of the DIGI-WOMEN project.

For more details


Dear Potential Partners in implementation of the Curriculum,

Here you can access the different language versions of the Curriculum Prototype (IO3).


In English     In Bulgarian     In Croatian     In German (Austria)     In Greek     In Italian     In Latvian     In Ukrainian


Intellectual Output 6 - Recommendation Report



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Last change: 12/29/22.