Digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs



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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union




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Consulenza Direzionale di Paolo Zaramella


Dr. Paolo Zaramella, CEO

Dr. Ria Aerts, Researcher


Consulenza Direzionale di Paolo Zaramella” (CDPZ, in short) is an Italian consultancy and training firm, founded 12 years ago. The company offers a wide set of services: consultancy for micro and SMEs; training programme for managers, entrepreneurs, workers; research activities; EU projects. The company experience includes also EU projects (mainly Leonardo, Erasmus +, Interreg and H2020).

As small company, often it acts as main coordinator of a local network, composed i.e. by Universities, Chambers of Commerce, Trade associations and other training/VET providers.

The company worked with other 700 micro and small businesses, not only coming from Veneto Region (North East part of Italy) but also centre/south.


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bit management Beratung GesmbH


Herwig Simoner (Mag., CMC)

bit management Beratung GmbH (Austria) is part of bit group the largest private training provider in Austria. Since 1996 bit management Beratung GmbH is active in the consulting and training sector. In many national and international projects, they have worked together with institutions, organizations, companies and individuals to develop new and innovative training concepts and to support their implementation.

The main focuses of bit management Beratung GmbH are in the following areas:

  • Training and consulting services in the field of entrepreneurship

  • National and international projects ˗ Consulting and training in the field of environment and sustainability:

  • Result-oriented, tailormade trainings in the fields of personality development, leadership, team development, HR-management, sales, project management, logistics, business management and economies, communication and trainer education

  • Academy for Nursing and Health Since 2012, we are offering training in nursing and elderly caretaking

Currently bit management has 45 employees and a network of more than 100 national and international experts in the areas of management training and consulting.

As member of bit group we draw on the experience of more than 400 employees and a network of more than 500 experts, trainers and consultants in the fields of education, training and consultancy. bit group’s excellent work got acknowledged with several awards like the Austrian State Prize for Consulting, Comenius Medal, Constantinus Award, etc. Since 2007 the whole bit group is certified according to ISO 9001.

Since 2013 bit management holds the Ö-Cert (quality certificate for adult education issued by the Austrian Ministry of Education).


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Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs – SEGE


Apostolina Tsaltampasi, President

Athanasia Ioannidou, Director


SEGE is an association with a Pan-Hellenic, non-profit nature and regards women engaged in business activities in Greece. SEGE provides to women entrepreneurs of Greece the environment to develop their businesses and themselves. Promotes youth entrepreneurship, improves recognition of their achievements and supports the growth of women-owned businesses through research and information. SEGE promotes ethics and morality in female entrepreneurship, while taking initiatives that demonstrate a sense of social responsibility.

SEGE is active all over Europe and especially in the Mediterranean and Balkan area through it's participation in international and European projects. SEGE is active in improving and increasing the involvement of women in business activity by providing to them all the information and assistance that is needed to ease their career. SEGE has played a vital role in eliminating gender discriminations in the financial sector by promoting female entrepreneurial activity.

SEGE currently lists more than 1.000 members from all over Greece, which enjoy the following services:

  • Associate with women entrepreneurs who are like-minded and willing to share ideas, information and opportunities

  • Get consulting, mentoring, coaching and training services in order to support their business

  • Attend events and conferences that are related to vital issues of entrepreneurship ˗

  • Expand their business networking and knowledge through accessing business networks in Greece and abroad

  • Participate and benefit from SEGE’s position as a representative body for the enhancement of social, political and entrepreneurship issues that concern women entrepreneurs

  • Share experiences, get access to knowledge and seek new partners at national and international level.


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Cluster Experts Baltic Sea Region


Dr. Vera Komarova, Chairperson

Dr. Zane Zeibote, Executive Director


Cluster Experts Baltic Sea Region (CE BSR) is an example of a female iniatiated and led foundation in Latvia based in Riga and Daugavpils. However, our members are also men which greatly support our activities implemented all over Latvia.

The CE BSR was established in 2010 by PhD students working on the business cluster research in different areas with an idea to get together cluster experts and practitioners of the Baltic Sea Region. The objective of the CE BSR is to promote the development of competitive clusters, innovation and competitiveness of enterprises (SMEs), as well as capacity of experts through education, research and entrepreneurship. Our special focus is on the promotion of women entrepreneurship through our networks and clusters.

Since its establishment the CE BSR has actively participated in various regional, national and international level projects, working on strategies for cluster organizations, as well as organized exchanges through the Nordic-Baltic mobility programme and the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. Among our projects were LdV project “Transfer of Best-Practice & Innovation in CAD for Logistics Stakeholders (LogiCAD)”, ESF project "QuAT– Qualification for good jobs in micro and small tourism enterprises", Erasmus+ project EFEB Network – European Regions Entrepreneurship Connection, Erasmus+ KA2 project - EuroKEY and others. Experts of the CE BSR are working as experts for different European Commission projects involving policies for supporting SMEs, internationalization and second chance for SMEs, EU regional policy and cohesion funds, etc.



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National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»


Prof. Igor Kononenko, D.Sc. (Tech.)

National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” ( has been one of the leaders of HE in Ukraine for a long time. It is playing a leading role in shaping the technological policy of Kharkiv, the second largest city of Ukraine. Being among the signatories of Magna Charta Universitatum, the University is a member international of the EUA, BSUN, EAU associations and takes part in AUDEM. NTU “KhPI” is highly rated in the national (4) and international ratings: QS World University Rankings(701+); Scopus (9th in UA). Its website is ranked 2nd in Ukraine in the international website ranking Webometrics. NTU “KhPI” has developed the curricula meeting the ECTS requirements. That helped to provide the students with new opportunities, free choice of learning trajectories and develop their mobility. University has the education quality assurance system, which in particular allows focusing on learning outcomes. The NTU “KhPI” aims at continuous improvement and development of its autonomy and new partnerships with industry. Currently, 13462 students, 308 PhD. students, 1400 teachers and researchers study/work at the University at five Education-&-Research Institutes and five faculties. University offers 11 study programmes taught in English. The university international cooperation policy is aimed at internationalization of learning process, development of the innovative potential of the university and creation of the conditions for attracting international financing. NTU “KhPI” has gained the biggest number of Tempus projects in Ukraine during the existence of the program (29 projects). Currently, 47 international projects are being implemented at the university, including 1 Erasmus + KA2 (CBHE) project.

A group of teachers under the guidance of Prof. Igor Kononenko has developed numerous models, methods and information technologies in the field of strategic management, project portfolio management, and project management. They have significant experience in solving problems for business and conducting training for entrepreneurs. This group has published 8 books and dozens of scientific articles in the field of information technologies. Prof. Igor Kononenko is a Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology. In 2015 Igor Kononenko was awarded the Order "For Merits" of the 3rd degree by the President of Ukraine.


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CEPOR SMEs and Entrepreneurship Policy Centre


Prof. Mirela Alpeza, PhD, Director

Danica Eterović, Project Coordinator


CEPOR – SMEs & Entrepreneurship Policy Centre was founded in 2001 as an NGO, independent policy centre and think tank, focused dominantly on policy issues of the SMEs and development of entrepreneurial capacity on the institutional and individual level. CEPOR’s ten institutional founders are institutions like research institutes and faculties, development agencies, chambers of commerce and crafts.

CEPOR’s mission is to influence the public-political environment emphasizing the role of entrepreneurship and SMEs in the development of Croatian economy. It is accomplished through the organization of round tables discussing existing problems in the SME sector, by organizing conferences, training and workshops which enable sharing and transfer of knowledge by connecting educational institutions, academic experts, representatives of local and national authorities and the entrepreneurial sector. In this way, CEPOR wants to contribute to shaping the entrepreneurial culture, as well as institutional and regulatory framework for entrepreneurial activity. With this aim, CEPOR publishes a number of publications, such as the Annual Small and Medium Enterprises Report (since 2011), as well as policy briefs on current economic issues, with policy recommendations.

Main activities include conducting independent policy research of the SME sector to provide objective assessment of problems, and creation of policy recommendations to government institutions in order to build efficient non-discriminatory and favourable policies for the development of SMEs. In this sense, CEPOR’s activities are:

  • Policy research and advocacy activities focused on improving the existing ecosystem for SMEs in Croatia.

  • Preparing strategic documents and studies, including the Strategy of Women Entrepreneurship Development in the Republic of Croatia 2010 – 2013 and Strategy of Women Entrepreneurship Development in the Republic of Croatia 2014 – 2020

  • Participation in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) international research, the most comprehensive yearly survey of entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial eco-system in the world since 2002. Within the GEM research for Croatia, the focus was also on gender inequality in Croatia's entrepreneurial demographics.

  • Organization and participation in conferences and round tables, discussing existing problems in the SME sector, e.g. round table Women Entrepreneurship

  • Exchange of British and Croatian Experiences. Publishing an annual SME Report for Croatia since 2011, informing relevant institutions and general public about the situation, problems and development trends of SME sector in Croatia. In the Small and Medium Enterprises Report −Croatia 2019, published in December 2019, with a chapter on Women Entrepreneurship.

Depending on the field of interest, CEPOR has a core team of 10 entrepreneurship researchers that join CEPOR’s activities, depending on the topic. CEPOR is a member of the following international networks: TRANSEO–European Association for SME Transfer and ENSR–European Network for Social and Economic Research.



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University of National and World Economy


Assoc. Prof. Kostadin Kolarov, PhD

Established in 1920, University of National World Economy (UNWE) is the oldest, leading and largest economic university in South-Eastern Europe, the first in the rankings of Bulgarian universities with economic majors. It has more than 21 000 students. Human resources/Expertise - With its capacity of about 500 lecturers, 300 of which professors and associate professors, UNWE trains students in 43 undergraduate programs and 108 graduate programs (regular and distance learning). The university also offers training in 41 doctoral programs. Training is delivered at 8 faculties and 33 departments. It was the first Bulgarian university to introduce systematic entrepreneurship training in Bulgaria and also among the pioneers in Eastern Europe 28 years ago.

The UNWE is presented in this project by its Institute of Entrepreneurship.

The Institute of Entrepreneurship was established by a decision of the Academic Council No 4/3 - 05.11.2016 of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and Decree No 54 / 23.03.2017 of the Council of Ministers. It is the successor of the Institute for Entrepreneurship Development (IED), which started its activity in 1997 and was founded by Prof. Kiril Todorov – a pioneer in research and consulting in the field of entrepreneurship and SMEs in Bulgaria. The new institute also integrates the academic functions performed until its establishment by the Department of Entrepreneurship, which since 2006 provides methodologically and conducts the educational process in entrepreneurship at UNWE, in order to build highly trained entrepreneurs and managers in a dynamic business environment – including international and multicultural.

The units integrated in the new institute are recognized as bearers of best practice in entrepreneurship education because of the realization of the science-practice relationship, together with other leading European universities. The recognition was received by EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) – Brussels, the main international accrediting organization in the field of business education. Until their integration, the IED and the Department of Entrepreneurship work in the closest connection, through which the scientific results are applied in the educational process, and hence in practice. Over the last 25 years, dozens of students’ companies have been established, and some of these entrepreneurs participate in the learning process under various forms. Over the years, the two structures, together with the Bulgarian Association for Management Development and Entrepreneurship (BAMDE), have led and participated in over 15 international (mostly EU-funded) projects, as well as a number of national and university research and training projects in the field of entrepreneurship and management.

The main scientific interests of the members of the institute are in the field of: the creation and management of a new business, incl. family; strategic entrepreneurial management and the growth of small and medium-sized companies; entrepreneurial culture; art and creative entrepreneurship; clusters, subcontracting and entrepreneurial networks; the business environment for entrepreneurship; digital business; the psychology of entrepreneurial activity; social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in an international environment. The institute participates in the training of bachelors, masters and doctoral students, as well as entrepreneurs and managers. There are developed contacts with similar institutes and departments at universities in different countries. The Institute of Entrepreneurship has the only doctoral programme in Bulgaria in entrepreneurship, accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) for the second time with the highest grade. The institute is well recognized in the country, but also abroad through the publications of its members, participation in international conferences and seminars, implementation of national and international projects.

The main activity of the Institute today is to conduct significant, topical, long-term research. The research findings are built into the learning process, and this is a prerequisite for the development of entrepreneurial culture among students and the creation of new businesses. The Institute is working to support business enterprises not only in terms of start-ups, but also in their management, growth, and internationalization. In this way, the accumulated internationally recognized experience of the UNWE is being enriched and further developed.
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Last change: 12/29/22.