Digital entrepreneurship tools and support for women entrepreneurs

Train-the-trainer week


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Project Meetings
Intellectual Outputs
Train-the-trainer week
Multiplier Events



Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union





Train-the-trainer week

21 - 25 February 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria

The purpose of this training is joint learning and exchange between the participants.

The added value was to expose the expert trainers to other country specific aspects. Also, by being in a group with experts from different countries, participants learnt hands-on from each other’s country specific characteristics. It helped them to understand better the situation of some of the women in difficult circumstances. These trained experts were also exposed to these aspects via the curriculum developed in the frames of the project that includes country specific aspects but by being part of this specific train the trainer week, they had the opportunity to discuss the outcomes of the curriculum and develop a more in depth understanding of the material.

In this training week the experts not only had the opportunity to learn from their peers but also from academics about scientific studies done in the field of entrepreneurship and more specific women entrepreneurship and the ecosystems related to it. Moreover, the experts had also the occasion to learn from successful women entrepreneurs who are already intensively using digital tools in their business.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere of partnership and cooperation established at the beginning of the training was marred by Russia's invasion of Ukraine - the beginning of a war that directly affected the training participants who arrived from Kharkiv. Their return to Ukraine became impossible and urgent efforts had to be made for their indefinite stay in Bulgaria.

Programme outline


Monday – 21.02

Tuesday – 22.02

Wednesday – 23.02

Thursday – 24.02

Friday – 25.02


9:00 – 10:30

Arrival of participants and registration

Women entrepreneurs – training needs

Transfer to UNWE

Introduction to UNWE

Lessons by Partner experience - UNWE

Lessons by Partner experience – CEBSR

How to promote the Curriculum


10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

Coffee break

Coffee break


11:00 – 12:30

Digital entrepreneurship tools

Lessons by Partner experience – CDPZ

Lessons by Partner experience – CEPOR

Networking with stakeholders


12:30 – 13:30

Lunch break (hotel)

Lunch break
(UNWE, unformal lunch, sandwiches)

Lunch break (hotel)

Lunch break (hotel)


Lessons by Partner experience – NTU KhPI


13:30 – 15:00

Curriculum implementation – approaches and issues

Lessons by Partner experience – bit Management

Cooperative activities of the partners


Transfer to the NMH


15:00 – 15:30

Coffee break

Visit of the museum and Boyana Church

Coffee break

Coffee break


15:30 – 17:00

and Ice-breaking

Presentations of Bulgarian digital experts and women entrepreneurs

Lessons by Partner experience – SEGE

Summary of the training week

Follow Up


17:00 – 17:30

Coffee break

Free time

Free time

Free time


17:30 – 19:00

Train-the-trainers approach

Transfer to hotel

Free time

Dinner featured by opera singers


19:00 – 20:00

Free time

Folklore dinner

Dinner (hotel)

Farewell Dinner (hotel)


20:00 -

Dinner (hotel)



Detailed Programme


Photo Gallery


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Last change: 12/29/22.